cheuwiridlo Admin replied

295 weeks ago

The Challenge Torrent

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646f9e108c All-out war between the United States and an Asian country is averted when the two sides agree to settle their differences by each choosing a single soldierchampion, and having the two men fight to the death on an isolated island.
Gallery, a U.S. commando, and Yuro, an enemy commando, are sent to a no man's Pacific jungle island to capture a crashed U.S. space satellite. Whoever survives, wins. Their nations have agreed to this to avoid war, but they cheat.
This is one of my very favorites. I've mentioned it frequently to friends, but no one ever seems to have seen it. I'd love a personal copy of it, if anyone has ever taped it. If so, contact me at and I'd gladly send the price of a blank tape and the postage.
I have been searching for this for decades, not knowing it's title.<br/><br/>I also saw this when it first aired in the 70'sa kid and all I could remember was the cool 2 barreled machine gun and someone cutting their hand on a razor blade whilst hiding in a tree.<br/><br/>I always thought Darren McGavin was in it but couldn't be sure.<br/><br/>I've had racked my brains for so long, thinking it was maybe a Twilight Zone or Outer Limits episode.<br/><br/>I've searched the internet for decades and finally found it with the search terms "double barreled machine gun" and "razor blade".<br/><br/>Thank you to all that posted on this so that I could finally unlock a mystery that's been nagging at me for decades.<br/><br/>Now if i can only find a copy to watch ( there is a low res version on Youtube)

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last edited 217 weeks ago by cheuwiridlo
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